Content - Images - Copyright
Translated by Deepl (
External contents (if available) are partly taken over original from the original creator or provided with smaller editorial changes by the operator. This takes place with the friendly permission of the respective copyright owners, provided that it is not only a matter of quotations. Since the copyright holders have waived the marking of authorship in these cases, their contributions are therefore not marked as third-party intellectual property. Therefore, the operator can not allow the copying of the texts without prior written (also by mail) consultation. Quotations with references are excluded from this.
The remaining texts
are the intellectual property of the operator, unless they obviously originate from other sources (see e.g. disclaimer). The operator asks you not to use or quote them without his prior permission. Quotations with references are excluded from this.
Downloads (if available)
Some of the files are provided by the manufacturers/right holders of the files. These have then of course the unrestricted copyright on the contents of these files. Where such files have been editorially or contentwise changed by the operator, the original copyright of the manufacturer remains of course unchanged, only on the additions the own copyright of the operator lies.
The files are released for private use. Thus the commercial use is expressly excluded. If necessary, please contact the respective manufacturer.
The Pictures
on this website are used (as far as they are not the property of the operator) with friendly permission of the respective copyright holders or they are public domain pictures according to the waiver Creative Commons CC0 (pictures with other copyrights are marked accordingly). Since the respective copyright holders are not indicated in every case, the operator cannot permit the copying of the pictures in principle. If you are interested in individual images (in terms of copyright law), the operator must ask you to contact him for this reason. He will then refer you to the respective copyright holder (unless images are in the public domain).
An enumeration of all picture sources of the marked pictures, the used pictures and further information can be found in the subpages to the German page picture sources (Bildquellen).
Sources of unmarked pictures

Pictures of Peggy und Marco Lachmann-Anke on Pixabay:
resp.: Pixabay
Pictures from Pixabay with free commercial use, no picture credits necessary. Pixabay Lizenz
The images shown
are individual cases and not generally binding. Therefore, deviations from the illustrations are possible when used by the user (e.g. recooking recipes).
Purpose and goal
this web is the function as an online notebook for own purposes, the information of friends, acquaintances and interested parties.
It is not an instrument for online sales or the pursuit of commercial interests. No goods or services can be ordered via this website.
The operator is a private operator.
Punctuation and orthography
of this website are fictitious . Deviations from former or current spelling rules are purely accidental and unintentional.
Who finds an error is asked to return it by mail to the webmaster.
Missing content and incomplete information
Since this website is not yet complete (and probably never will be), the operator has a request:
If you miss something or find an error, please be so kind and let the webmaster know. The operator will then try to add the missing content to the website.
Please write in German as the operator has very little knowledge of English.
Picture Sources
Slideshow and article pictures from Peggy and Marco Lachmann-Anke or Pixabay or the author.